Isaiah 55:8-9

It's currently around 1 a.m., and I'm wide awake watching my baby sleep. My perfect, growing-too-fast, energetic baby who is almost a whole year old. A whole year with him has already flown by. The realization that a year has already come and gone sends my apprehensive mind into  overdrive.  Is he reaching all his milestones appropriately? Am I doing a good job helping him learn and grow? Is he happy? And then all the "what-if"s...

God knows I have a tendency to overthink and overanalyze, so in the midst of all my present  overanalyzing,  He reminds me of when we had just found out I was pregnant. The initial elation of the news quickly replaced with a similar slew of fears.  Is my baby reaching all its milestones appropriately? Am I doing everything I can to help my baby grow? And the one that caused the most sleepless nights--what if something happens and the heart stops beating? I didn't think I could handle the grief. I went to every ultrasound sick with nerves that there would be no heartbeat. Russell bought me a doppler to listen for the heartbeat at home any time I wanted to calm my nerves. But I kept worrying. Until one night when I was using the doppler and saying my usual prayer, "Please let my baby be okay." That night God spoke to me over the sound of my baby's beating heart. He said, "I made that heart. Trust Me to take care of this. I know what's best." And just like that,  peace. Months later, our perfectly healthy baby boy joined our family, and my prayer is still the same: "Please help my baby be okay." And God continues to silence my worries with the same reply: "Trust Me to take care of this. I know what's best." I realize it's easy for me to have faith in those words because I had a healthy, happy baby. I thank God every day that he is healthy and happy, and I pray every day that he stays that way. But I also pray that when troubles come, which they surely will, I remember God's words to me even then, because he's proven them to be true in my life time and time again.


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