Farewell, Penn Wagers

Lucky for me, I got to be at the game today to witness all the excitement! Any time you get to watch a game from Sanford Stadium, even one against a nobody team when most of the students have gone home for Thanksgiving, the atmosphere is indescribable. Electric, really. At one point I even stopped (Not in the middle of the sidewalk, though. I hate when people do that.) and thought about how proud I am to cheer for such a great team. Not just this year's team, but teams from every other year that I've been around. Great players, great leadership, great traditions. And while many people still find reasons to complain (or look reaaallly hard to find reasons to complain), I guess I just have a different set of qualifications for what makes a team great. The teams that come through UGA do things the right way. They play with heart, and they continue to make me proud to be a fan. Win or lose. Observations of the day: Our offense is virtually unstoppa...